Prohormones: Epiandrosterone
Epiandrosterone is a prohormone that is completely legal and available over the counter. It may also appear under the name 3b-hydroxy-etioallocholan-17-one. Epiandrosterone is a precursor to Stanolone, a powerful steroid hormone. Epiandrosterone can be found naturally occuring in most mammals and is excreted in urine as a normal part of human metabolism. One of the reasons that this prohormone is legal because it has been found to be naturally occurring in pine pollen. (1) Epiandrosterone and Androsterone are very closely related. Androsterone is the 3-alpha isomer and epiandrosterone is the 3-beta isomer of this compound. The actions of the two isomers in the body are different, but still very similar. Most epiandrosterone supplements are actually a mix of the two isomers, meaning that they contain some androsterone as well as the main ingredient epiandrosterone.
Stanolone, the hormone that epiandrosterone converts to in the body, is very androgenic. This makes hair loss a possible concern with epiandrosterone, but anecdotal evidence has shown that it is not too harsh in this area. Epiandrosterone does not aromatise to estrogen, so bloating and gyno should not be much of a concern. This compound will not produce remarkable size gains in comparison to other prohormones, but it is especially good for strength gains and muscle density and definition, which makes it great to use during a cutting cycle or alongside a prohormone that helps build mass during a bulking phase for a balanced strength and size stack. One additional benefit of epiandrosterone is that it appears to have some immediate neurological effects, so having a dose pre-workout can aid in strength and aggression.
Typical dosage is in the range of 300-400 mg/day, though some users may dose higher than this. This is best used in 4-6 week cycles. Although Epiandrosterone does not cause severe shut down of Testosterone production like many other prohormones, it is still a good idea too use a mild over the counter post-cycle therapy. An over the counter anti-estrogen/test booster will do just fine for recovery from an epiandrosterone cycle.
As mentioned earlier, epiandrosterone and its 3-alpha isomer androsterone are completely legal and available over the counter. LG Sciences MMv3 uses the 3-alpha isomer of this compound because it is better for the special sublingual delivery system that this product utilizes. By placing a tablet under the tongue, the compound is absorbed directly through the tissues in that area and into the blood stream.
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