Top 10 Anabolic Steroids
All around, testosterone should be at the base of any steroid cycle you
do. Whether it’s a cutting cycle, or bulking cycle, you should
always have a testosterone base in your cycle. Testosterone is the core
you cannot go without.
Of course, the different esters of testosterone make things a bit
confusing. For your bulking cycles, it’s best to use testosterone
enanthate or testosterone cypionate. On the other hand, for your cutting
cycles, you should use testosterone propionate. Lastly, if you’re just
trying to maintain your mass, it’s best you use testosterone enanthate.
Anavar is one of those steroids that is rarely understood, and rarely
used correctly. Most anavar (Oxandrolone) users are using anavar to shed
fat during a cutting cycle. However, many bodybuilders and fitness
enthusiasts forget that Anavar can also be used during a bulking cycle to help
with increased strength and better lifts. In fact, many powerlifters use
anavar to help increase strength and get better mass.
Some of the best cutting cycles out there include anavar. The top cutting
cycle being anavar and winstrol stacked together.
Stanozolol, Winny, Winny-v, Winni-v, whatever you call Winstrol, it’s still a
god among steroids, mostly in terms of popularity. Winstrol can increase
muscle mass, harden your body, increase your stamina, while giving you great
pumps and a dry look. This is surely a product for people interested in
cutting up and getting lean. However, winny is not without its’
downsides, which range from acne to dry joints. Dry joints being the
biggest problem when using it.
Winstrol stacks well with Anavar, and Dianabol, but mainly bodybuilders use
winstrol with Testosterone propionate.

Trenbolone, Tren,
Fina, Parabolan, Liquid gold – those are just some of the names trenbolone has
acquired over the years. Trenbolone is a sheep in wolfs clothing.
It is the best anabolic steroid on the market, bar none, but it is also the
worst when it comes to side effects. Trenbolone users should expect
serious fat loss, while gaining hard mass, even with little to no diet.
Some trenbolone users have reported losing 20lbs. of fat and gaining 25lbs. of
muscle mass within 12 weeks of just daily trenbolone usage. It is truly a
god of all gear.
However, (there is a but!), Trenbolone is the harshest anabolic steroid on the
market after Anadrol. Trenbolone has horrible side effects, from liver
damage to heart damage, especially in the cases of abuse! Steroids should
NEVER be abused, but in the case of Trenbolone this should be taken to a new
level of caution. You should not cycle trenbolone for more then 8-10 week
periods; followed by a minimum 20 week rest from the cycle. Trenbolone is
NOT a joke, please take the side effects of trenbolone seriously.
Deca Durabolin

Deca Durabolin, the word Deca brings out the 70s, with guys like Arnold using Deca Durabolin with Dianabol to get that huge look. Deca durabolin is one of the most effective injectable for bulking up on this planet. It’s a scientific marvel how using Deca can lead to amazing gains. Most Deca users report gains of 30-40lbs. in a period of 12 weeks, some even more, depending on what Deca Durabolin is stacked with.
Don’t forget the side effects of deca durabolin. Deca Durabolin has one particular nasty side effect, Deca Dick! Basically, you get a limpy. This can be circumvented by using testosterone during your Deca Durabolin cycle. There are of course side effects like bloating, and water retention, but those can be positive. Many Deca users report having little or no joint problems when using the steroid, due to its’ ability to “lube” the joints.

The god of oral bulking steroids is here, well, sort of. Dianabol has always been with us. Historically, Dianabol (Methandrostenolone) was the first steroid developed in the world. Dianabol (Dbol) was used mainly by the Germans, then the Russians, then, of course, worldwide. Dianabol is a great for bulking up, it’s used in almost all bulking steroid cycles. Dbol will give you a soft bloated look with more muscle gains and water retention, but expect your lifts to be through the roof. Strength up and weight up. Dbol is one of the most commonly used bulking agents in the world, and it is the only steroid that’s probably been used by EVERY user on the plant. Dbol has withstood the test of time. The best cycle for bulking is: Dianabol + Deca Durabolin + Testosterone.
Sustanon 250

When you get sustanon , you know you’re buying something huge. This is a product in its own class. 1 milliliter of Sustanon 250 Contains:
30 mgs Testosterone Propionate
60mgs testosterone Phenylpropionate
60mgs testosterone Isocaproate
100mgs testosterone Decanoate -100 mg
That’s right, every ML of sustanon is packed with 4 different types of testosterone bases. Sustanon was originally designed for HRT (hormone replacement therapy), so the 4 testosterones would allow sustanon to stay in your system for up to 4 weeks. Requiring less frequent shots for HRT patients. However, the adaptation of Sustanon to bodybuilding has changed the platform of its’ use. Now, weekly injections of 500mgs of sustanon have become an industry standard.
Sustanon provides good muscle gains during a bulking cycles, but it is also infamous for causing a huge amount of water retention as the main side effect. Bloating is the biggest problem most sustanon users experience.

Clenbuterol is NOT an anabolic steroid; in fact, it’s not a steroid at all. However, any list of gear that doesn’t talk about clenbuterol has something missing. Clenbuterol is actually a prescription drug, mainly in Europe, used for breathing disorders; Clen is mainly used as a decongestant and bronchodilator. However, in bodybuilding, Clenbuterol is used as a cutting drug. Basically, clenbuterol is a cousin of ephedrine, which allows clenbuterol users to increase fat loss and metabolic rates. Many bodybuilders swear by Clenbuterol when it comes to their cutting cycles. Clenbuterol + T3 (cytomel) use can increase the base metabolic rate by 10%, which is a huge amount of potential fat loss.
Clenbuterol is not just a great fat loss aid, it’s also popular! From Britney Spears (a pop music queen) to Jessica Hardy (American Olympic Swimmer), many have used clenbuterol with great results. It’s as popular as most gear, but it’s not a steroid.

Anadrol is still
very popular these days, but it was always popular. Anadrol has horrible side
effects and amazing possibilities for muscle gains. Anadrol was used
throughout the 80s and 90s heavily by bodybuilders, mainly professional
bodybuilders. Anadrol (Oxymetholone) is a cheap bulking product that has
gained notoriety in the past as being very effective during bulking cycles;
however, after the year 2000, a lot more research on the negative side effects
of anadrol has been done. Therefore, it’s become common knowledge that A50 is
the only anabolic steroid to cause extreme damage to the liver when abused.
Anadrol Abuse can cause severe, lifelong damage to your liver and your
body. Thus, any anadrol cycle should be kept to under 5 weeks.
Users of anadrol report gains of 10lbs. or more within the first week of their
cycle! Amazing gains follow, but most are attributed to water retention.
The average anadrol user will lose 50-60% of his mass after anadrol is discontinued,
due to loss of water.
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